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Private Jet Charter To/From Andizham Airport UTKA / AZN


Andizham airport is one of the smallest airports of Uzbekistan and is located 7km to the south –west of the city Andijan. There is one terminal and one runway for handling the passengers and offering the facilities. There are limited facilities due to restricted space of the airport. The runway is efficient enough to handle the bigger flights. Moreover, the facilities available within the terminal include shops, stores, small restaurants and lounges. These facilities are quite enough for the small airport to keep the passengers engaged until their flight arrives.
Moreover, there was a recent renovation project completed at this airport to improve the experience of the passengers while they halt in this airport. The airport operations are also redeveloped to make it smoother and seamless. Along with that, the terminal facilities are also enhanced to make sure that the passengers get enough things to explore while they are waiting for their flight to park at the boarding bay. If you are planning on moving to/from Andizham airport through private jet or chartered flights, you can avail the facility as Andizham airport allows you for it. You just have to reach out to the respective persons who can help you book your chartered flight.






Andizham Airport Uzbekistan Location